Shelby Hundley is the Chief of Staff. She earned a degree in Public Relations and Entrepreneurship from Eastern Kentucky University as well as her master’s at the University of Central Florida in Human Resources and Change Management. Shelby’s early HR career experience spanned industries, from peanut butter and jams with Smucker’s to oil and gas with General Electric. When she decided to settle down in Lexington, Human Capital extraordinaire and fellow EKU graduate Krissie Bailey reached out to get coffee, and the rest is history!
Shelby is a jack of all trades. Not only did she win her 5th-grade science fair with a pair of “windshield wiper sunglasses,” she is also a gifted flutist, co-author of two Human Resources textbooks, AND a recipient of the Delta Zeta Sorority’s “2023 35 under 35.” When she’s not obtaining recognition in very niche areas, Shelby is a minimalist at heart and prefers to spend her free days unplugged and surrounded by family.