Dinesh Vasandani is the Director of Operations. Originally from Mumbai, India, Dinesh moved to Columbus, Ohio during high school. He graduated from Ohio State University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering before beginning a three-semester co-op at Toyota, where he met John Stewart. Dinesh worked at Toyota for 17 years (ultimately managing Assembly Operations) before his stint with Boeing where he led production operations for 787 Final assembly and Fuel Tanker. Late 2022, Dinesh attended the UK vs Gonzaga game in Seattle and ran into, you guessed it, John Stewart, and the rest is history.
Between his love of first-person shooter games, which his son ALWAYS beats him at, and brewing his own beer, it’s clear that Dinesh has a WIDE variety of interests! Among them, in true MiddleGround fashion, is an appreciation for bourbon, which redeems him from being an Ohio State Buckeyes fan. Maybe it was moving across the world when he was young, or maybe it’s his love of trying new types of food, but Dinesh LOVES to travel. Seriously. He’s been all over the world, including places like Turkey, Dubai, and Bahrain, but his number one travel spot is Europe. The food, the culture, the people, and of course, the reliable public transportation… seriously, that’s a major selling point for Dinesh… you can find him and his family enjoying London early next year!